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Social Comparison and Adjustment in Two Cultures

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2009, v.23 no.2, pp.157-169

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This study was to investigate whether cultural differences of self-improvement, self-evaluation and self-enhancement motives exist between Korean and American samples. In addition, the effects of social comparison motives, and fulfillment level of the motives on subjective well-being were also explored. For this purpose, the scales of social comparison motive, fulfillment level of social comparison motive, and subjective well-being were developed in Korean, then translated into in English and performed to Korean and American college students. The results were as follows:Self-improvement, self-evaluation and self-enhancement motives were higher in Koreans than in Americans, especially the level self- improvement in Koreans was the highest. Also, the fulfillment level of self-improvement and self- evaluation were higher and cognitive and emotional well-being were lower in Koreans. In predicting subjective well-being, self-improvement motive had an important role in Korea, whereas self-evaluation motive did in Americans.

social comparison motive, self-improvement motive, self-evaluation motive, self-protection motive, subjective well-being, 사회비교동기, 자기향상동기, 자기평가동기, 자기고양동기, 주관안녕



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology