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P300-Based GKT(Guilty Knowledge Test) Using Sentences

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2010, v.24 no.4, pp.19-41

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P300-based GKT(guilty knowledge test) has been suggested as an alternative approach for conventional polygraphy. The purpose of this study is to investigate event-related potentials using sentences in guilty and innocent subjects after performing a mock crime. The guilty subjects had concealed informations(probe) about the amount of stolen money and the place to hide a wallet. Event-related potentials were collected as participants performed visual Oddball task that required participants to press one button to target sentence and to press the other button to irrelevant and probe sentences. The sentences were presented in order of the subject, the object, and the predicate or in order of the object, the adverbial phrase, and the predicate. The statistical analysis of P300 elicited by probe stimuli of the object and the adverbial phrase which directly included concealed informations indicated that the guilty subjects showed significantly higher P300 amplitudes than the innocent subjects at the parietal area. P300 elicited by probe stimuli of the predicate which was presented after the object or the adverbial phrase and which did not contain concealed informations indicated that the guilty subjects showed significantly higher P300 amplitudes than the innocent subjects at the frontal area. These results support the hypothesis that the neural processes involved in the predicate as well as the object or the adverbial phrase in the probe sentences are specific in individuals with concealed informations.

사건관련전위, 거짓말 탐지, 유죄지식검사, 문장, P300, 반응억제, P300, guilty knowledge test, event-related potentials, sentences



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology