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Crime Scene Behavior Analysis on Homicide in Korea

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2011, v.25 no.4, pp.41-60

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Of all major crimes, homicide investigation requires the greatest effort on the part of the Police(Becker, 2000). This study aim that what’s component of crime scene behavior of homicide in Korea, how can separate in thematic behavior from crime scene behavior of homicide, For decrease errors of uncertainty of investigators that turn crime scene out. Data for analysis use 971cases of murder and attempted murder, 2006-2010 and analysing execute by crime scene behavior variable of 33. As result, it’s appropriate distribution of three region rather than distribution of two region(expressive vs instrumental) consistent with previous studies. First is the Expressive_Disorganized Homicides, including most of cases and it’s not different in murder weapon and injury position. Second, it’s include motive of expressive, but offender may have been anticipating a confrontation with the victim and/or had previous experience relating to violent confrontation. This region shall be called Expressive_Organized Homicides. Last is the Instrumental Homicides with Sexual crime. Distributing on three region of data, forensic awareness play the role of locomotive. This action have been regard as instrumental action. But wether or not influenced by TV shows such as CSI or Law and Order, contemporary people is now more aware of these forensic techniques(Stevens, 2008). This study prove forensic awareness behavior is able to affect the effect of disinhibitor(Beauregard & Bouchard, 2010). In other words, it can be increase that possibility,general people do homicide. Consequentially, generalization of this behavior can distribution between Korea’ crime scene behavior of homicide and the others, in theoretical and investigative.

범죄자 분류, 살인범죄 현장행동, 표출적 및 도구적 살인, 법적 인식, 탈억제 효과, Offender classification, Crime scene behavior of Homicide, Murder of expressive vs instrumental, Forensic awareness, the effect of disinhibitor.



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology