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Understanding Public Figure: Punishment and Forgiveness on an Illegal Behavior

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2013, v.27 no.1, pp.67-84

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This study investigated the general concept of public figure and how illegal acts of public figure influence punishment and forgiveness evaluation. In Experiment 1, participants defined public figure as a person with recognition and who can exert influence on other people. Also, participants perceived that public figure should have following characteristics: integrity, honesty and morality. In Experiment Ⅱ, participants were asked to measure what type of characteristics public figure currently have and what characteristics public figures are expected to have. The results indicated that there were a number of differences between current characteristics and the characteristics that they are expected to have, except recognizability and physical apparence. Significant differences were observed on integrity, morality and following the norm, and participants perceived that public figures should have less economic power, social status, and influence on the society. Experiment Ⅲ measured what types of occupations public figure would have. The results indicated that public officials, entertainers were considered as public figures. Experiment IV evaluated punishment and forgiveness on an illegal action committed by public figures. The result indicated that there was a significant difference on evaluation of punishment, criticism, self-reflection between a public figure and an ordinary person. The implications of the current study were discussed.

공인(公人), 공인의 위법행위, 처벌판단, 비난, 용서, public figure, illegal behavior, punitive judgement, criticism, forgiveness



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology