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Empathy as a Mediator between Attachment to Father and Aggressive Attitudes in Adolescen

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2013, v.27 no.4, pp.89-101

(University of Tasmania)
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Thepresent study aimed to examine the effects of adolescents’ attachment to their father on their aggressive attitudes. Adolescents’ empathetic understanding was hypothesized to serve as a mediator between their attachment to father and aggressive attitudes. Participants included 190 seventh-through-eighth graders (96 boys) in middle school in Kyounggi province. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized relations. Results revealed that there were no significant gender differences and that adolescents’ attachment to their father was related to their aggressive attitudes not directly, but indirectly through their empathetic understanding. That is,adolescents’ attachment to their father has a positive impact on their development of empathy, which in turn reduces their aggressive attitudes. Given the fact that adolescents’ aggression-related attitudes, beliefs, and values should be revised to effectively prevent school violence, the present findings showing that adolescents’ empathy cultivated via their secure attachment to father plays a critical role in their aggressive attitudes have substantial implications for school-based prevention and intervention effort.

aggressive attitude, father-child attachment, empathy, adolescen, 폭력태도, 아버지 애착, 공감, 청소년



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology