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The Moderating Effect of Trait Meta-Mood on the Relationship between Mental Disorder and Suicidal Ideation

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2014, v.28 no.2, pp.105-117

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The present study examined the moderating effect of trait meta-mood on the relationship between mental disorder and suicidal ideation. The participants were 219 college students (147 males, 73 females). They completed the Korean Mental Disorder Inventory (K-MDI), the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS), and the Suicidal Ideation Scale (SIQ). The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed significant interaction effects of trait meta-mood and mental disorder on suicidal ideation. The effect of mental disorder on suicidal ideation differed according to the level of trait meta-mood. As for the group with low level of trait meta-mood, suicidal ideation was more likely to be reported at increasing level of mental disorder. On the contrary, as for the group with high level of trait meta-mood, the level of suicidal ideation was low regardless of severity of mental disorder. Based on the findings, the possibility that emotional intelligence may work as a potential protective factor in the relationship of mental disorder to suicidal ideation was discussed.

자살생각, 특성 메타기분, 정신장애, 중재효과, 정서지능, 보호요인, suicidal ideation, trait meta-mood, mental disorder, moderating effect, emotional intelligence, protective factor



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology