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Differences in Happiness between Extroverts and Introverts: Happiness with Different Colors

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2015, v.29 no.1, pp.23-44

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The present study aimed to identify the differences in emotions, contexts, and values relevant to happiness between extroverts and introverts. A total of 121 undergraduates were asked to keep a diary for their happiness episodes for two weeks. Content analysis of happiness episodic contexts led to five upper categories: interpersonal relationship, leisure activities, self-improvement, pro-social behaviors, religion. For the interpersonal relationship category, extroverts had experienced emotions more such as pleasure, ecstasy, affection, and confidence, whereas introverts had experienced ones more such as tranquility. For the leisure activities and self-improvement categories, extroverts experienced positive emotions and values more than introverts did. And contexts in which extroverts experienced happiness were more related to interpersonal relationship contexts, those for introverts were more related to passive activities, physical/psychological well-being and pleasure. Finally, for the self-development category, the performance contexts were more closely connected with extroverts, while self-reflection and self growth were more important for the introverts.

내향적 집단, 외향적 집단, 행복, 다이어리기법, 사회적 맥락, 행복 정서와 가치, Extroverts, Introverts, Happiness, DRM(Day reconstruction method), Happiness related Contexts, Affects, and Value.



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology