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  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI

사회적 맥락에서 소수의 영향 : 합의요구 상황과 합의비요구 상황에서 소수의 협상방식 효과

Minority Influence in Social Context : The Effects of Minority Negotiation Styles on Majorities in Consensus-required and Consensus-nonrequired Situations

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1987, v.3 no.2, pp.237-261
박영석(Young-Seok Park) (서울대학교 심리학과)


소수의 협상방식(융통적, 경직적)이 다수의 감정적 갈등에만 영향을 주는 것이 아니라 상황(합의요구, 합의비요구)과 상호작용하여 다수의 인지적 갈등에도 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설(가설 1)과 소수 영향에 의해 다수가 경험하는 인지적 갈등은 문제가 되는 사회적 주제(대졸사원의 입사제도)에 대한 자기 입장과 상대 입장의 분화에 의해 해소될 것이라는 가설(가설 2)을 검증하기 위하여 두 개의 실험을 수행하였다. 상황과 협상방식의 순수효과만을 밝히기 위해 실험 I에서는 다수와 소수간의 합의에 도달하지 않은 상태에서 그 효과를 비교하였고, 실험 II에서는 합의요구 상황에서 합의에 도달하였을 때의 협상방식 효과를 비교하였다. 실험 I의 결과 상황과 협상방식의 상호작용 효과가 유의하였다. 합의요구 상황에서는 경직적 협상방식보다 융통적 협상방식이 다수의 의견을 더 많이 변화시켰으나, 합의비요구 상황에서는 그 반대로 나타났다. 다수는 소수의 영향을 받고 난 후에 자기 입장을 고수하면서 상대 입장을 수용하여 개인 내에 대립되는 두 입장을 공존시킨다는 결과를 얻었다. 소수의 영향을 받기 전에는 자기 입장을 지지할수록 상대입장을 거부하였으나, 소수의 영향을 받은 후에는 자기 입장을 지지할수록 상대 입장도 수용하였다. 실험 II의 결과, 합의요구 상황에서 합의에 도달하면 경직적 협상방식이 융통적 협상방식보다 다수의 의견을 더 많이 변화시켰다. 다수는 소수의 영향을 받고 난 후, 자기 입장과 상대 입장을 평가 차원상에서 서로 대립시키지 않게 된다는 결과 역시 관찰되었다.



Two experiments were performed to test the hypotheses that the minority negotiation styles (flexible vs. rigid) would increase the majorities' cognitive conflict as well as affective in interaction with situations(consensus-required vs. consensus-nonrequired) (Hypothesis 1) and that the increased cognitive conflict would be resolved by differentiation between majority and minority viewpoints (hypothesis 2). The extraneous effects of agreement or disagreement between majority and minority in group discussion were controlled: Two situations and two negotiation styles were manipulated without agreement in experiment 1, and the negotiation style only was manipulated in consensus-required situation with agreement in experiment 2. In experiment 1, the interaction effect between situation and negotiation style was significant : majority opinion was more changed by flexible style than rigid in consensus-required situation, but less changed by flexible style than rigid in consensus-nonrequired situation. And in the latter situation minority image was equally favorable in both flexible and rigid styles, but in the farmer situation the image was more favorable in flexible style than rigid. These results provide support for the hypothesis 1. The intrapersonal coexistence of majority and minority viewpoints were observed: The negative correlation between the two viewpoints before the minority influence was changed to positive after the influence. This result supports the hypothesis 2. In experiment 2, it was found that majorities' opinion was more changed by rigid style than flexible, and minority image was not different from one another. Thus, if majorities and minority agree to the issue in consensus-reauired situation, rigid style only increased majorities' cognitive conflict about the issue. These results also support the hypothesis 1. The intrapersonal coexistence of majority and minority viewpoints was also observed in experiment 2. The negative correlation between the two viewpoints before the minority influence was disappeared after the minority influence. This result also provides support for the hypothesis 2. It was unexpectedly found that, although minority viewpoint was not accepted in these conditions, the degree of majorities' opinion change was positively correlated with the degree of concession to agree with minority. These results were interpreted as dissonance reduction process. The findings in these experiments were discussed in light of the relation between affective and cognitive conflict, and of compairing the differntiation to the dissonance reduction as mechanisms of the resolution of the cognitive conflict in minority influence.


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격