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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI

사회 계층에 따른 다른 사람의 선호도에 대한 민감성 차이: 청년층과 노년층의 비교 연구

Social-class differences in one’s sensitivity toward others’ preferences in both young and older adults

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2016, v.30 no.2, pp.77-88
나진경 (서강대학교)


I investigated how social-class effects differ with age in the domain of choice. Young (less than 40) and old (over 60) participants from working-class and middle-class backgrounds indicated their preferences and choices about consumer products before and after seeing others’ preferences (consistent or conflicting with their own) for the same products. The result showed that social-class differences in choice were maintained into late adulthood. Replicating the effects among young participants, old working-class participants were more sensitive to social feedback in their choices, preferences, and recognition memory than old middle-class participants although older participants had poorer memory for the feedback, suggesting social cues were implicitly processed.

Age, Social-class, Choice, Preference



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한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격