ISSN : 1229-0653
Family background and mental illness have been identified and emphasized as a risk factor for delinquency in previous studies. This study aimed to identify mediating effect of mental illness between history of abuse and problematic behavior in juvenile criminal. The subjects were 264 inmates who have applied for conditional release and they divided into two groups according to abuse experience. Cross tabulation analysis and group t-test were conducted to identify difference in mental illness and problematic behavior between abuse history and non-abuse history groups, and path analysis was performed to demonstrate mediating effect of mental illness.The result revealed that juvenile inmates with abuse experience tended to have more penalty point, longer probation and detention period, less correction score and bonus point, and showed more mental illness symptom. Moreover, mental illness worked as mediator between abuse experience and problematic behavior, which included detention period, bonus point, penalty point and similar type of criminal record.
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