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Negative Distortion in Meta-Perception and Depression

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2017, v.31 no.3, pp.1-14

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The cognitive model of depression has underlined the importance of cognitive distortion, suggesting that having distorted perceptions relative to reality is related to depression. In the present research, we examined whether negatively distorted meta-perceptions of own personality is associated with depression. Meta-perception is one form of person perception regarding how people believe others see them. In this study, we investigated the relation between negatively distorted meta-perception and depression by comparing participants’ meta-ratings of their own personality to their friends’ ratings of them. Data for this study included 131 Korean and 77 American college students. Korean and American students completed questionnaires to assess meta-perception of their personality and depression. Participants’ friends responded to the same questionnaire to describe the participants’ personality. In both samples, negatively distorted meta-perception was positively related to depression. This negative relation was not moderated by culture. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

depression, meta-perception, distorted perception, cognitive approach, 우울, 메타지각, 왜곡된 지각, 인지적 접근



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology