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The Motivation of Help, Willingness to Help, the Power of Providing a Rationale to Promote Positivity

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2017, v.31 no.3, pp.15-35

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The present study examined the motivational benefits of providing a rationale as a strategy to support ones, helping behavior. In this study, we tested find out if autonomous helping motivation, willingness to help, and positive affect can be activated by introducing experimental research. We tested a motivation mediation model, based on self-determination theory. A model proposed that (1) having an externally provided rational that would facilitate one’s autonomous helping motivation(perceived autonomy and perceived importance) and (2) The extent of the autonomous helping motivation would, in turn, predict the willingness to help positive affect. Participants read on prosocial activity after either receiving a rationale or not receiving one. Participants received the rationale showed greater autonomous helping motivation, willingness to help, and positive affect than did participants without the rationale. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the hypothesized model such that presence of the rationale increased autonomous helping motivation, willingness to help and positive affect. Results are discussed in terns of a model of effect on providing a rationale(Jang, 2008). The discussion highlights the role that externally-provided rationales can promote autonomous helping motivation, willingness to help and positive affect.

providing a rationale, autonomous helping motivation, willingness to help, positive affect, 근거제시, 자율적 도움동기, 도움행동참여의지, 긍정정서



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology