This research looks at problems married people face over their married life in various family life periods. In this study, the problems are looked at in more detail utilizing the Korean-Marital Satisfaction Inventory, K-MSI. In particular, this research attempts to understand marriage problems from a new angle by observing these problems according to the changes in family life periods. The subject of this research was 330 married men and women who had some degree of dissatisfaction in their married lives. The following is the summary of the research. First, from observing the overall degree of marriage satisfaction according to the family life periods, it was shown that the dissatisfaction was the lowest among the newly weds and it increased as coupled progressed onto the later stages. Second, when we looked at overall degree of dissatisfaction in married men and women according to the family life periods, women showed higher degree of dissatisfaction than men overall. Thirdly, the following shows the result of observing K-MSI lower area according to background variables. These various results show that the areas affecting the degree of marriage satisfaction for couples vary greatly according to the family situation and family periods that the couples are in. Therefore, it is important to attempt to understand marriage issues in light of the family, society and cultural environments surrounding the couple which change dynamically, rather than understanding the issues merely from the immediate relationship between the couple.
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