The purpose of these study was to examined the effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction-Korean(MBSR-K) Program on emotional response in College students. The measurement scale for these study was Beck Anxiety Inventory, beck Depression Inventory, and the Positive Affection and Negative Affection Scale. Study 1 was to examined the effect of MBSR-K program on anxiety, depression, positive affection and negative affection. This scale was measured before, after, and 8 monthly follow-up the MBSR-K program. The results of the study 1 were as follows. First, anxiety, depression and negative affection score decreased in MBSR group compared to the control group at post-test and follow-up test. Second, There was significant group difference in anxiety, depression and negative affection score at post test. Third, positive affection score increased in MBSR-K group at post and follow-up test compared to before test. Study 2 was to investigated the effect of MBSR-K program on test anxiety. The scale was measured before the MBSR-K program and during the test. The results of sudy 2 were anxiety, depression and negative affection score increased significantly in the colntrol group compared to the MBSR-K group. There was significant group difference in anxiety, depression and Negative affection score during the test. No significant change or different were found for positive affection. The findings were discussed the effect of MBSR-K and recommendations for further research.
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