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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A phenomenological study on psychological healing experiences with the body awareness- focus on women yoga practitioners-

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2007, v.12 no.1, pp.219-239


The purpose of the present study is to examine how women yoga practitioners undergo their psychological experiences by way of their bodily experiences, and to try to identify the meanings and structures of those experiences. For this study, 12 women yoga practitioners were surveyed from September 2005 to July 2006 through interviews and questionnaires. The survey result was analyzed using Giorgi method, one of major phenomenological research methods. Fourteen themes and five focal meanings have been identified from the interview materials. The five focal meanings are (1) the experience of body sensation changes with the changes of mind, (2) the continuous positive changes in body and mind, (3) the experience of the expansion of consciousness, (4) the enhanced awareness of body and mind, (5) the enhanced self-regulation and self-acceptance. This study has found out that women yoga practitioners can concretely experience the connection between body and mind, and through their yoga practices, they gradually improve their power of observation for their bodies and minds. This enhanced awareness tends to facilitate their healing process and lead to many positive changes. The result of this study is great meaningful that the structure of subjects' experiencing the healing or therapeutic processes has been revealed by showing that their being more in touch with their bodies plays a key role in understanding and exploring their minds, and that they are therefore likely to get some valuable therapeutic insights from it. The study suggested that body-centered techniques for improving the awareness towards one's body and mind should be adopted in the area of counseling and psychotherapy.

yoga, connectivity of body and mind, women's psychology, phenomenological research, awareness, yoga, connectivity of body and mind, women's psychology, phenomenological research, awareness, 요가, 심신연관성, 여성심리, 현상학적 연구방법, 자각†교신저자(Corresponding author) : 조옥경, 서울불교대학원대학교 심신통합치유학과, 153-591 서울시 금천구 독산동 1038-2, 전화: (02)890-2835, E-mail: mshanti@hanmail.net 신체와 행동, 호흡과 정서, 사고와 직관은 매우 밀접하게 상호작용하고 있다. 신체활동과 정신활동을 분리해서 보는 이분법적 사고는 생리적 현상과 정신적 활동이 밀



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology