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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Comparison of Theory of Planned Behavior and Bentler-Speckart Model on Eating Behaviors

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2007, v.12 no.3, pp.493-516


To differentiate the predictors of monitoring behavior about what they eat and purging behavior of what they ate, Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB) and modified Bentler-Speckart Model(modified BSM) were applied to eating behaviors at the sample of 130 female students of a university of United States. eating monitoring was defined and measured as watching what one eat and monitoring the nutritional content, and eating disorder behavior was defined and measured as purging, vomiting, using a laxative. The factorial structure of seven measures of eating behaviors which was assumed to be composed of two dimensions was tested. Also, predictive powers of precedents were tested by Structural Equation Modeling. The main results were as follows. First, eating monitoring and eating disorder behavior were independent and different dimensions. Second, as far as eating monitoring concerned, the model fits of Theory of planned behavior(TPB) and modified Bentler-Speckart model were satisfactory. Also, almost all of the path coefficients were significant except for the path from subjective norm to intention, from perceived behavioral control to present behavior in TPB and from intention to present behavior in modified BSM. Third, as far as eating disorder behavior concerned, the model fits of modified BSM was better than those of TPB. Finally, the limitations of this study and the implications for future studies were discussed.

섭식행동, 섭식장애, 섭식점검행동, 계획된 행동이론, Bentler-Speckart 모형, 행동의도, 태도, 주관규범, 행동통제력지각, 과거행동., eating behavior, eating disorder, eating monitoring, Theory of planned behavior, Bentler-Speckart model, behavioral intention, attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, past behavior.



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology