The purpose of this study was to propose and test a psycho-social predicting factors model of postpartum depression. This model posits that postpartum stress, postpartum support and self-esteem are predicting factors of postpartum depression and the predicting factors are correlated each other. Participants were 121 women who lives in Seoul and Gyounggi Provance and have gave birth to baby recently. Postpartum depression, postpartum stress, postpartum support and self-esteem were assessed with the 'Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale', 'Korean CES-D(Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale)', 'Perceived Stress Scale', 'Childcare Stress Inventory', 'Postpartum Social Support Questionnaire', 'Postpartum Social Questionnaire' and 'Self-esteem Inventory'. Postpartum stress, postpartum support, self-esteem were all significantly correlated each other. Postpartum stress was a significant predicting factor of postpartum depress but postpartum support and self-esteem. Result of this study informed perinatal women to plan and solicit effective support from their social network and reduce possible stress. Result of this study can be applied to make group therapy programming as well. The peer group of which members have a similar experiences or the group of which women's husband are participating will be helpful for postpartum women to overcome the stress. The group programme to increase self-esteem would be helpful as well.
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