This study examined the separation-individuation's mediated effect in the relationship between parental relationship and adjustment, depression and positive emotion. And also examined the mediated effect of shame and guilty in the relationship between separation-individuation and depression. As a way of addressing these topic, survey questionnaire was conducted with 812 female university students from first and second year students. Separation-Individuation Scale(SIS), Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire(SACQ), Positive and negative emotion scale, SCL-90-R depression scale, PAFS-Q were used. As a result, separation-individuation does not mediated the effects of parental relationship on depression, college adjustment and positive emotion. And guilty and shame are partially mediated the link between separation-individuation and depression. Finally, among the separation-individuation subscales, separation anxiety, reject expectancy, and health independency effect on depression, and denial of dependency, separation anxiety, merge anxiety, rejection expectancy, self-indulgence, and health independency effect on adjustment. This effect suggested that separation-individuation had somewhat important effect on female college students and so counselling intervention would be effective if it is focused on separation-individuation. Finally the suggestions and the limitation of this study and the direction of future study were discussed.
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