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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A Study on the stress, depression, personal value perception affecting human rights of self-advocacy of people with spinal cord injury - Multi-group analysis according to family function -

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2009, v.14 no.3, pp.597-616


The human rights of self-advocacy of people with disabilities is a important thing to enhance the human rights and quality of life of people with disabilities. This study examined the relations of the stress, depression, personal value perception affecting human rights of self-advocacy which is willness for activity to realize civil rights. This study demonstrated structural equation model analysis, and was investigated using multi-group analysis according to familly function of the people with spinal cord injury. The result of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that this study model was good fit. According to the study results, stress promoted depression and depression also negatively influenced the human rights of self-advocacy of people with disabilities. Besides, stress negatively affected personal value perception and that negatively influenced The human rights of self-advocacy of people with disabilities, too. the result of multi-group analysis is consistent with assumption, which stress affects depression is different according to level of family function. This study is significant in that it verify the relation between circumstance factor(stress) and psycho-social factor(depression, personal value perception) affecting the human rights of self-advocacy. And the finding of this study suggests the resilience of family function to enhance the human rights of self-advocacy of people with disabilities.

the human rights of self-advocacy, stress, depression, personal value perception, family function, the human rights of self-advocacy, stress, depression, personal value perception, family function, 권리주장성, 스트레스, 우울, 인격적가치인식, 가족기능



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology