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Relationships between Life Stresses and Social Comparison and Subjective Well-being of College Students

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2010, v.15 no.2, pp.327-343

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This study aims to investigate the relationship between life stresses, social comparison, social comparison motives, and subjective well-being of college students, and the interaction of the life stresses and social comparison on their subjective well-being. Participants were 284college students (151 males and 133 females), whose average of age was 21.56 (SD=2.59). Life stresses, negative/positive emotion, life satisfaction, subjective happiness, life satisfaction motivation, and life satisfaction expectancy were measured for this study. Results indicated that female students did more social comparison than male students. And college students did social comparison with self-evaluation motive and self-development motive rather than self-enhancement motive. Their life stresses were positively related to social comparison and social comparison motives, and negatively to the subjective well-being. And social comparison was positively related to negative emotion and life satisfaction motivation. Self-enhancement motive for social comparison was negatively related to most of subjective well-being variables, whereas self-development motive was positively related to life satisfaction expectancy as well as negative emotion. On the other hand, moderate effect of the social comparison on the relation of the life stress to life satisfaction was found. Social comparison buffered the negative effect of life stresses on life satisfaction. And social comparison showed additional accountability with adjusting life stresses for positive emotion, life satisfaction motivation, and life satisfaction expectancy. This study suggested that social comparison is a determinant for effect of life stresses on satisfaction for present life, and its roles in motivation and expectancy for future life could not be underrated for college students.

스트레스, 사회비교, 사회비교 동기, 웰빙, 행복, 삶의 만족, stress, social comparison, social comparison motive, well-being, happiness, life satisfaction



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology