본 연구에서는 독자적으로 발전하고 있는 긍정심리학의 중재법과 마음챙김의 실천에 대해 각각의 특징과 가능한 문제점을 논의하였다. 긍정심리학의 중재법에서는 지나치게 긍정성에 치우칠수 있는 데서 올 수 있는 문제점이 다루어졌고, 마음챙김의 실천에서는 일상생활이 수동적으로치우칠 수 있는 문제점이 다루어졌다. 아울러 긍정심리학의 중재법과 마음챙김이 하나의 프로그램에 통합될 때 부정성과 긍정성의 양변에 빠지지 않으면서 긍정성을 추구할 수 있는 장점이논의되었다.
The advent of positive psychology and acceptance of mindfulness into the main stream of psychology are outstanding changes in psychological society. The present paper suggests to build integrative program of mindfulness and positive psychology interventions. Positive psychology is a psychology of happiness and growth. It has many good intervention strategies to enhance happiness and facilitate growth. However, without the acceptance of human negativity or sufferings, positivity or happiness cannot be complete and can cause some side-effects. In this regard mindfulness can complement positive psychology. Mindfulness is a special kind of attention, i.e. bare attention, which is devoid of the activation of any motivation and cognition except keeping the object of attention in mind. Mindfulness improves the skill and power of acceptance, which can be an antidote to too much preoccupation with positivity. Practicing mindfulness will also benefit by positive psychology interventions, which will be helpful preventing mindfulness practice from vegetative mindfulness. They are complementary to each other for well-being enhancement.
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