The purpose of this study was to examine 1) an effectiveness of a multidisciplinary camp program for overweight children, 2) maintenance of the effectiveness after the program, 3)changes in parent-reported child eating self-efficacy and eating habit, and 4) the association between changes in eating self-efficacy and eating habit and changes in child BMI. Total of 32 children (BMI 26.09±3.33kg/m2), aged 9 to 12 participated in the camp program and follow-up meeting. The camp program consisted of physical activities, dietary restriction and behavior modification for a week. After the program, children were instructed to continue physical activities and diet using self-management skills learned from the behavior modification in the program. After the program, BMI of children significantly decreased, and child-reported eating self-efficacy and eating habit scores significantly increased. It was shown that although the improvement in eating self-efficacy was not maintained at the one-month follow-up period,the improvements in BMI and eating habit were maintained. Parent-reported child eating self-efficacy and eating habit scores significantly increased at the follow-up. Finally, increase in child-reported eating self-efficacy and eating habit scores significantly predicted the decrease in BMI. Implications and limitations were also discussed.
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