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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Effectiveness of Emotion-Mindfulness on Emotional Clarity, Regulation of Emotion, Stress and Well-Being of Female College Students

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2010, v.15 no.4, pp.635-652


This study aims to examine the effectiveness of emotion-mindfulness on emotional clarity and regulation, and stress and well-being. The participants of the study were 64 female college students in Seoul, Korea whose average age was 21.14 years. They were randomly divided into 2 groups, namely the emotional mindfulness group and the wait-list group. Fifteen participants dropped out of the program due to personal matters, etc, which left 24 in the emotion-mindfulness group and 25 in the wait-list group. The participants in emotion-mindfulness group completed 6 weeks of emotional mindfulness program in addition to education sessions and kept diaries at least three times a day. The results revealed significantly more improvements on emotional clarity (p=.01), selection of adaptive cognitive regulation strategies (p=.00), putting into perspective (p=.01), refocusing on planning (p=.00),and positive reappraisal (p=.00) in emotion mindfulness group than in the wait-list group. Besides, increments in expecting life satisfaction expectancy (p=.02) and self-esteem (p=.00)were statistically significant in the emotional mindfulness group but not in the wait-list group. Furthermore, there was significant relief on negative affects (p=.04), stress response (p=.04)and sleeplessness (p=.04) among physical symptoms. However, the effect on life motivation,life satisfaction, positive affects and physical symptoms other than sleeplessness was not significant. These results indicate that emotional mindfulness may be effective to enhance self-esteem, life expectancy and well-being, and reduce sleeplessness and stress. It was also found that emotional mindfulness can effectively enhances emotional clarity and adaptive cognitive emotion regulation. As a final note, it should be worth mentioning that this was the first study in Korea to make an attempt to prove the effects of emotional mindfulness.

정서 마음챙김, 정서인식의 명확성, 인지적 정서조절전략, 신체증상, 스트레스, 웰빙, emotion-mindfulness, emotional clarity, emotion regulation strategies, physical symptoms, stress, well-being



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology