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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Eating Behaviors Influencing Emotional Happiness

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2011, v.16 no.1, pp.29-47


This longitudinal study was to investigate the eating behaviors influencing emotional happiness amongst female university students based on their change of BMI over one year. The changes in category of BMI were composed of three groups, which were 'average-average weight', 'average-overweight', and 'overweight-overweight'. In 'average- average weight' group, the level of bulimic behavior negatively influenced the emotional happiness after one year, otherwise, healthy dieting behavior negatively influenced the one-year-later emotional happiness in 'average-overweight' group. In addition, the effect of anorexic behavior on one-year-later emotional happiness was moderated by self-discrepancy between ideal and actual body shape in 'overweight-overweight' group. In other words, the people with low level of self-discrepancy between ideal and actual body shape, anorexic behavior predicted emotional happiness positively, despite of their maintained problematic overweight. On the other hand, the people with high level of self-discrepancy experienced less emotional happiness as higher level of anorexic behavior. Previous emotional happiness positively influenced the emotional happiness only in 'average-average weight'. The results described above can be interpreted that in the case of the people who have accomplished desired goal in the area of weight and shape, the behavior not fit with the goal influenced emotional happiness significantly, otherwise the behavior fit with the desired goal did the similar role in the case of people who have not.

정서적 행복감, 섭식행동, 억제행동, 폭식행동, 이상체형과 현재체형간 차이, BMI, Emotional happiness, Eating behavior, Healthy dieting, Bulimic behavior, Anorexic behavior, Self-discrepancy between ideal and actual body shape, BMI.



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology