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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of Self-focused Processes on Depressive Mood, Dysfunctional Beliefs and Decentering

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2011, v.16 no.2, pp.347-361


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of internal focused processes on depressed mood, dysfunctional beliefs and decentering. A total of 51 collage students participated, and were randomly assigned to a rumination group(N=17; 5 males, 12 females), a reflective group(N=17; 6 males, 11 females), or a experiential group(N=17; 6 males, 11 females). After a moderately distressing mood induction through gloomy music, the mood was treated according to each self-focused processes. And then, the level of depressive mood, dysfunctional beliefs and decentering were measured three times. The results indicated that first, the subjects of reflective and experiential groups reported better moods than those in ruminative group. Second, the reflective and experiential groups significantly reduced the level of dysfucntional beliefs, whereas the ruminative group did not have the effect on dysfunctional beliefs. Third, the level of decentering in experiential group was higher than ruminative group. But, the reflective group did not differ with experiential group. This result suggest that decentering is increased in the experiential as well as the reflective group and is a important factor for treating depression in MBCT and cognitive therapy.

내부초점적 처리과정, 우울, 역기능적 신념, 탈중심화, self-focused process, depression, dysfunctional beliefs, decentering



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology