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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Grounded Theory Approach to the Development of Problematic Game Use and Subsequent Changes of Adolescent Game Users

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2011, v.16 no.4, pp.759-781


The present research aims at identifying risk factors and protective factors of problematic game use among Korean adolescents and exploring implications for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. In-depth interviews were conducted for three kinds of groups. The first group includes adolescents who are currently using games without any problems or making a good use of games. The second group includes adolescents who have developed key symptoms of problematic game use. The third group includes adolescents who had used games problematically in the past but currently do not exhibit such problematic symptoms. These groups were analyzed using a grounded theory approach, leading to a paradigm model consisting of 13 categories, 35 subcategories and 61 concepts. The analysis showed that phenomena of "problematic game use" were developed due to the influence of causal conditions of "reasons for playing games" as well as contextual conditions of "stress in daily lives", "environmental factors that make it hard to control game use" and "lack of other recreational activities". The action and interaction aspects were classified into "lack of intentions, motives or preparation to control game use" and "efforts to control game use". Intervening conditions that affect action and interaction were "situational factors that are helpful for controlling game use", "personal resources needed for controlling game", "environmental resources needed for controlling game use" and "other recreational activities that can substitute games". By developing the storyline of phenomena, a core category of "the processes of problematic game use of adolescents and improvement processes" was derived. The risk factors and protective factors in problematic game use were discussed in relation to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

고위험 게임사용, 위험요인, 보호요인, 1차 예방, 2차 예방, 3차 예방, 근거이론, problematic game use, risk factors, protective factors, primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, grounded theory



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology