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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Effects of K-MBSR Program on Levels of Mindfulness, Psychological Symptoms, and Quality of Life: The Role of Home Practice and Motive of Participation.

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2012, v.17 no.1, pp.79-98


The purpose of this study were to investigate 1) the effects of K-MBSR on levels of mindfulness, psychological symptoms, and quality of life, 2) the relationships between home practice and the amounts of changes in mindfulness, psychological symptoms, and quality of life, before and after K-MBSR, and 3) the moderating role of the motivation for participating in the program. Korean versions of FFMQ, BSI, and EORTC QLQ‐C30 were used to measure mindfulness, psychological symptoms, and quality of life before and after K-MBSR in a sample of 57 adults in a clinical K-MBSR program. The amount of practice at home was calculated based on participants' self-report, and motivations for of participating in K-MBSR were categorized into one of two categories either for reducing personal suffering or for career development based on pre-program interview data. Results showed significant increase in mindfulness ability, especially in subscales such as observation, describing, non-judgment, and non-reactivity. The GSI score and obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, and anxiety subscale scores of BSI were significantly decreased, suggesting that participating in K-MBSR leads to reductions in psychological symptoms. The overall quality of life index (Core-30), and psychological function, evaluation of one's health, and evaluation of one's quality of life were all significantly increased as well. The amount of home practice didn't show significant correlations with changes of mindfulness levels, psychological symptoms, or quality of life during 6 weeks of the K-MBSR program. Finally, it was revealed that the self-healing group whose main purpose was to reduce personal suffering, showed greater salutary effects in most dependent variables than the career-development group, whose main purpose was developing careers as mindfulness professionals.

K-MBSR, MBSR, 마음챙김, 명상, 심리적 증상, 삶의 질, 마음챙김 수련량, 참여동기, K-MBSR, MBSR, mindfulness, meditation, psychological symptom, quality of life, amount of mindfulness practice, motivation of mindfulness practice



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology