The purpose of this study was to investigate the diagnosis of pathological gambling, gambling motive, irrational gambling beliefs of 881 gamblers visiting gambling treatment center. This study is focused to understand psychological and cognitive characteristics of pathological gambler and to establish a basis for the prevention and treatment of pathological gambling. Findings are as followings: Frist, The most popular age to first encounter gambling was the twenties, but the biggest population of pathological gamblers was in thirties and forties. Second, on average, most pathological gamblers had been regularly involved in gambling for 8.7 years. However, they explained that they felt they had lost the sense of self-control for approximately 3.4 years. Third, sports toto and internet gambling users continuously increase since last 3 years. Especially internet gambling was the most common gamble in twenties and thirties. Forth, the researchers concluded that maximum of 96.5% to minimum of 83.3% of 881 gamblers were diagnosed to have a serious pathological gamble addiction through three kinds of pathological gambling screening scales. Fifth, The significant motive among pathological gamblers was from monetary problem followed by other factors such as excitement, pleasure, and socialization. Finally, they tended to overestimate their skill efficacy, but the majority of the group did not suffer from cognitive error or irrational thoughts. Based on these results, the limitations and suggestions for the future pathological gambling study were discussed.
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