This study was conducted in order to find out if there are any variables to predict internet game addiction through research of the level of teenage Internet game addiction, Parent- Adolescent communication, and self-control according to the preferred types of Internet Games. The research targets were 734 9thgrade students of four different co-ed Middle schools located in“P”city in KyungBuk, and “B”city in KyungNam. The survey used the Child and Teenage Internet Game Addiction Scale, Parent-adolescent Communication Scale, and Self-Control Scale. The results are as follows. First, in internet game addiction and its subordinate factors, there were differences according to the preferred internet game. First person shooting games scored the highest in Internet game addiction. Second, in the Self-control and its subordinate factors, there were differences in impulsion and preferred physical activity. Self-control and its subordinate factors were lowest in first person shooting games. Third, there were no apparent differences in the case of parent-adolescent communication. Fourth, among the variables in predicting teen internet game addiction, according to preferred internet game, there were differences in all types of internet games except for simulation games. This research was an attempt to confirm that there can be different addiction conditions based on teen preferred Internet game types, and its significance in the face that this research can be used as basic data in efforts to prevent internet game addiction.
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