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A Psychometric Evaluation of The Korean Version Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2012, v.17 no.4, pp.943-961

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The purpose of the present study was to develop and standardize the Korean version of the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnarie (K-CEBQ). The parents of preschool and elementary school children (N=687) ranging in age from 2 to 9 years and parents of children with developmental disorders (N=71) completed the CEBQ. A subset of these participants were retested for reliability and also completed the Children's Eating Behavior Inventory-Korean Version (K-CEBI) and Child Behavior Checklist-Korean Version (K-CBCL) to examine the validity of the scores. Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, a theoretically-supported 8-factor structure fit the data best, comprising the following factors: Enjoyment of Food, Satiety Responsiveness, Food Fussiness, Food Responsiveness, Emotional Overeating, Emotional Undereating, Slowness in Eating, and Desire to drink. Reliability was supported by high internal consistency and test-retest reliability estimates. Validity was also supported as evidenced by positive andsignificant correlations between the K-CEBI and K-CBCL and differences in K-CEBQ scores between the developmental disordered and normal (school-based) samples of youth. T-test results showed no significant differences in K-CEBQ scores between gender, and a one-way ANOVA revealed significant differences across ages. Clinical and research implications and limitations are discussed.

아동 섭취행동 질문지, 아동기 식사 문제, 섭취 행동, 표준화, Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, Childhood Feeding Disorder, Eating Behavior, Standardization.



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology