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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Descriptive Study of Teenagers' Internet Gambling Behaviors and the Relationship with Psychological Characteristics

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2012, v.17 no.4, pp.927-941


This study was conducted to describe teenagers internet gambling behaviors and investigate the relationship between internet gambling behaviors and their psychological characteristics (impulsivity, gambler's cognitive distortion, anxiety). This study also examined psychological differences between those who are involved in gambling behaviors and those who are not. From Feburuary to May in 2009, 409 male teenagers between ages of 16 and 18 in metropolitan S, Choongnam D, and Geyoungbuk D cities participated in this study. The surveys used in this study were demographic information questionnaire, types and severity of gambling behaviors, addictive gambling, impulsivity, gambler's belief, depression, and anxiety scales. The results showed that first of all, 115 boys got involved in general gambling and 110 boys were involved in internet gambling. From those who are involved in internet gambling, they tended to try gambling once a month and for 30 minutes. The most frequently involved gambling were Hwatoo (Korea Poker), and Poker. Most of teenagers were involved in recreational gambling, 27 were habitual gambling, and 2 were addictive gambling. Second, there was a significant correlation between gambling frequency and anxiety. Third, there were significant differences in impulsivity and gambler's belief between those who were involved in gambling and those who were not involved. This study provides descriptive data of teenagers and their gambling behaviors and meaningful information for future studies.

인터넷 도박행동, 오프라인 도박행동, 도박중독 수준, 충동성, 비합리적 도박신념, 불안, 우울, internet gambling behaviors, severity of gambling, impulsivity, gambler's cognitive distortion, anxiety, depression



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology