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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Effects of Thin-ideal Internalization and Physical Comparison on Disordered Eating Behavior : The Verification of the Mediating Effect on Body Shame

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2013, v.18 no.2, pp.345-362


The aim of this research is to verify the mediated effects of body shame when thin-ideal internalization and physical comparison affect disordered eating behavior. For this research, a survey was conducted targeting female undergraduates of K-university in Chung-Nam and Dae-Jeon, South Korea. Data of 280 undergraduates were analyzed. In order to sort out female undergraduates who have a possibility of disordered eating behavior, the Korean Eating Attitude Test-26 (KEAT-26) was used which have been standardized what Garner and Garfinkel developed and amended. To measure the internalization of thin-ideal internalization, Sociocultural Attitudes toward Appearance Scale (SATAS) was used, which was a test that Jung-Shin Moon has adapted from what Cusumano and Thompson developed. To measure the physical comparison, Physical Appearance Comparison Scale(PACS), which was a test that Eun-Jung Son has adapted what Tantleff developed, and Specific Attributes Comparison Scale(SACS), which was a test that Eun-Jung Son adapted what Tiggermann and Mcgill developed, were used. To measure body shame, eight questions regarding body shame from the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale, developed by Mickinley and Hyde, were used, which were a test that Eun-Jung Son has adapted. A correlation analysis and a multiple regression analysis were conducted by the PASW 18.0 program using collected data. The consequences of this research are follows: First, thin-ideal internalization and physical comparison had a significantly positive correlation with disordered eating behavior, as well as with body shame. Body shame, also, had a significantly positive correlation with disordered eating behavior. These consequences show that disordered eating behaviors of female undergraduates could increase due to body shame particularly when they have a high level of thin-ideal internalization and physical comparison. Second, the body shame was partially mediated between the thin-ideal internalization and physical comparison and the disordered eating behavior. Consequently, it is crucial to decrease the level of thin-ideal internalization and physical comparison, however first step is to educate females about their physical appearance so that they can decrease the level of body shame, which implies that eating disorder caused by disordered eating behavior can finally decrease. Likewise, further discussion and proposals for following researches are proposed.

마른 이상적 체형의 내면화, 신체비교, 이상섭식행동, 신체 수치심, thin-ideal internalization, physical comparison, disordered eating behavior, body shame



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology