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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Study of Brief Job Stress Scale Development based on Occupational Health Psychology

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2014, v.19 no.3, pp.695-709


This study tried to develop brief job stress scale to assess occupational health psychology in order to prevent job stress at industrial sites, which is increasing. Busan, GyeongNam area’s laborers who are engaged in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries, were asked to compose 20 questions on the basis of the transactional process model. Through explanatory factor analysis, a brief job stress scale composed of 10 questions was developed. The Brief Job Stress Scale includes indicators like interpersonal relations, work load, and coping. The result of test-retest reliability analysis showed significant reliability, and the analysis of criterion-related validity showed significant correlations with the Korean Occupational Stress Scale, stress response, and life satisfaction. The hierarchial regression analysis conducted with the sub factors of the Brief Job Stress Scale, the Korean Occupational Stress Scale, and stress response in order to examine the efficiency of the Brief Job Stress Scale following the transactional process model. It showed significant results and when the coping factor of the Brief Job Stress Scale was added, it showed increased ability to explain along with the Korean Occupational Stress Scale and stress response. These results showed that the Brief Job Stress Scale measured similar psychological characteristics existing job stress scales and can be confidently used more in its abbreviated form.

brief job stress scale, occupational health psychology, job stress, 간이 직무스트레스 척도, 직업건강심리학, 직무스트레스



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology