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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Temperament Characteristics and Emotion Regulation in Compulsive Consumers Focusing on Inhibitory Function Defects

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2014, v.19 no.4, pp.1103-1124


The study investigated difficulties in emotion regulation and temperament characteristics of compulsive consumers, and examinee inhibitory function related to emotion regulation in young compulsive consumers compared to a control group. In the first part of the study, compulsive consumers (n=75) and controls (n=76) were selected among 370 male and female university students. Variables influencing compulsive buying tendencies were verified. The compulsive consumers had high scores in novelty seeking and harm avoidance and low scores in persistence compared to the control group. They also had high scores in difficulties in emotion regulation and impulse control difficulties. The important explaining the compulsive buying tendencies were novelty seeking, harm avoidance and impulse control difficulties. The second part of the study involved an experiment using the neuropsychological tasks that measured the inhibitory function related to emotion regulation targeting 26 compulsive consumers and 26 controls who had participated in the first part of the study. The neuropsychological tasks used the negative priming task and the directed forgetting task. The compulsive consumers scored low in inhibitory ability in the context of inducing a negative emotion, compared to the control group. In addition, in the directed forgetting task, the compulsive consumers scored lower in inhibitory ability in the word context of inducing compulsive buying along with the negative emotional words. Overall, compulsive consumers displayed tendencies for exploration of new stimuli, avoidance of penalties and low level of persistence. Considering that the compulsive consumers displayed difficulties in emotion regulation including impulse control, it is suggested that these individuals have difficulty in quelling information-related negative emotion.

강박구매성향, 기질특성, 정서조절곤란, 억제기능, 부적 점화, 지시된 망각, compulsive buying tendencies, temperament characteristics, difficulties in emotion regulation, inhibitory function, negative priming, directed forgetting



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology