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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Validation of the Korean Version of the Psychological Well-Being-Post- Traumatic Changes Questionnaire

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.1, pp.195-224


The purpose of this study was to validate the Korean version of the Psychological Well-Being-Post-Traumatic Changes Questionnaire( PWB-PTCQ) with a Korean adult sample. This study also examined the relative influence of variables of changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event. To achieve this purpose, this study conducts a research through the following procedures. First, eighteen items originally developed by Regal and Joseph and validated by Joseph et al(2012a), went through a translation and back-translation procedure to be adapted prior to data collection. Second, in the preliminary study, item analysis, reliability analysis, and exploratory factor analysis(EFA) were conducted in a 125 adult sample who had experienced traumatic events. Third, in the confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) an adult sample of 306 who had experienced traumatic events different from subjects were recruited for EFA. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that PWB-PTCQ consisted of 2 factors and sixteen. Fourth, Statistical analyses through the concurrent, convergent and discriminant validity test revealed that the PWB-PTCQ was a reliable and valid measure for changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event of Korean adults. Concurrent validity was good with PTGI. Convergent validity with optimism, gratitude, cognitive reappraisal were verified respectively showing significantly positive correlation. Also, discriminant validity with distress after experiencing trauma showed a significantly negative correlation. In the next study of analysis on PWB-PTCQ related variables, the study examined the relative influence of variables of changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event in a 222 adult sample who had experienced traumatic events. At first, changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event showed a positive correlation with self-resilience and positive reaction to trauma disclosures, and showed a negative correlation with a negative reaction to trauma disclosures. Next, analysis of the variable affection the changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event, the variable that exerted the most effect on changes in psychological well-being following a traumatic event was self-resilience followed by a positive reaction to trauma disclosures.

외상 후 안녕감 변화, 외상 후 성장, 타당화 연구, 자아탄력성, 외상경험 개방에 대한 사회적 반응, psychological well-Being-post-traumatic changes, post traumatic growth, validation, ego resilience, social response for disclosure of traumatic experiences



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology