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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of Internalizing Behavior Problems of Patients with Dementia in Predicting Family Caregivers’ Burden, Depressive and Physical Symptoms

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.1, pp.65-89


In the present study, we confirmed caregiver burden, depressive symptoms, and physical symptoms among family caregivers of dementia patients ; in addition, we determined dementia patient`s behavior problems that affect caregiver’s psychological and physical health by type. A total of 101 dementia family caregivers were asked to complete questionnaires assessing caregiver burden(Burden Interview; BI), depressive symptoms(Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CES-D), physical symptoms (Physical Health Questionnaire; PHQ), and dementia patient`s behavior problems using Older Adult Behavior Checklists(OABCL). In hierarchical regression analysis, the presence of internalizing behavior problems in addition to externalizing behavior problems were significantly higher predictors of caregiver burden, depressive symptoms, and physical symptoms. Thus, family caregivers experienced deteriorated psychological and physical health as a result of externalizing behavior problems accompanied by internalizing behavior problems. The study results suggested the necessity for concern and intervention targeting internalizing behavior problems. Implications for improving psychological and physical health of dementia patient`s family caregivers and suggestions for future research are discussed.

치매, 가족보호자, 간병 부담감, 우울증상, 신체증상, 치매환자의 문제행동, dementia, family caregiver, caregiver burden, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, behavior problems



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology