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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effect of Self-Compassion Writing on Rumination, and Emotional Regulation Among University Students with Depressive Tendency

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.2, pp.299-316


This study was to examine the effect of self-compassion writing on self-compassion level in depressive tendency group. Furthermore, we investigated the effect on subtypes of rumination and emotional regulation after self-compassion writing treatment. The K-SCS and the BDI were used for screening of 654 university students, and based on the results, they were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: self-compassion treatment group(n=13), distraction treatment group(n=11), and untreated control group(n=13). Treatment included 6 sessions during two weeks. The result showed that participants in the self-compassion treatment group compared with distraction treatment group and untreated control group showed significant increases in self-compassion levels at post-test than pre-test. Although rumination, brooding, reflection level showed no significant effect, depressive rumination, emotion regulation, psychological symptoms and depression level were significantly decreased after self-compassion writing. Particularly, decreased emotion regulation and depression level were relatively constant during the 4-weeks follow-up periods. These results implied usability of self-compassion writing as a self-instructional method and therapeutic mechanism. Finally, implications and limitations of the current study were discussed along with suggestions for future research.

자기자비, 우울, 반추, 정서조절, 심리적 증상, self-compassion, depression, rumination, emotional regulation, psychological symptom



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology