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The Effect of Opposite Sex Stimuli on Chasing Behavior in Gambling Game

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.4, pp.741-749

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According to evolutionary perspective theory, this research aimed at investigating how the sex and opposite sex stimuli influence on chasing behavior in gambling game. For this, the researcher planned a design between subjects 2(male, female) x 2(opposite sex, neutral stimulation) A total of 60 people consisted of each 30 of male and female university students in their twenties were collected as research targets, and 15 of them were randomly categorized into neutral stimulation group or opposite-sex stimulation group. A slot machine was used to measure chasing behavior. While Korean UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale was used as a tool to evaluate impulsivity, which is known to have an effect on chasing behavior. As an analysis result, male showed more chasing behavior when opposite-sex stimulation is presented than when neutral stimulation is presented. But there was not significant difference in chasing behavior when opposite-sex stimulation is presented or neutral stimulation is presented in female. Also, male showed more chasing behavior in comparison with female. And more chasing behavior was manifested when opposite-sex stimulation is presented than when neutral stimulation is presented. In addition, the meanings and application of this study in therapy and prevention for gambling addicts were discussed.

손실만회행동, 성별, 이성자극, chasing behavior, evolutionary psychology, sex, opposite sex



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology