This study examined the moderating effects of social participation, and an association between elderly depression and social and loss experiences. Previous studies revealed that people having large interpersonal relationship, and participating in various activities, are prone to relatively low depression. This study anticipated that maintaining membership of interpersonal relationship could influence depression. We investigated 263 elderly People living at Ganghwado Island. They were part of the Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project(KSHAP), and the entire cohort was aged over 60 years. Our results confirmed that there exists a definite association between elderly depression and cognitive dysfunction. We observed that maintaining social activities has a moderating effect on depression. The group who continued their membership in their social groups was less likely to be depressed by increasing cognitive dysfunction. We therefore suggest that joining social groups enhances opportunities to get help from others belonging to the group. ln elderly patients with cognitive dysfunction, participation in activity increased the probability to get help from others. Further implications are also discussed in this paper
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