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The Effects of Negative Urgency, Negative Affect, and Emotion Regulation Difficulties on Self- Harm Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.3, pp.565-585

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The purpose of this study was to examine the moderated mediating effects of negative affect (depression, anxiety, anger) through difficulties in emotion regulation(DERS) on the relationship between negative urgency and self-harm behavior in borderline personality disorder. A total of 724 Korean college students participated in this study by responding to the following questionnaires UPPS-P-Negative Urgency, Beck’s Depression Inventory(BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), State Trait Anger Expression Inventory(STAXI), Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale(DERS), Personality Assessment Inventory - Borderline Feature Scale (PAI-BOR). After testing 3 research models, negative urgency directly predicted self-harm behavior and difficulties in emotion regulation(DERS) mediated the influence of negative urgency on self-harm behavior. The influence of negative urgency on self-harm behavior or difficulties in emotion regulation(DERS) was different according to the kinds of negative emotion that was being experienced(depression, anxiety, anger). The influence that negative urgency had on difficulties in emotion regulation(DERS) was not moderated by depression and anger, but the influence of negative urgency on self-harm behavior was moderated by depression and anger. However, the influence of negative urgency on self-harm behavior and difficulties in emotion regulation(DERS) was moderated by anxiety. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed in terms of future research suggestions.

UPPS-P, 부정 긴급성, 정서조절곤란, 경계선 성격, 자해 행동, UPPS-P, negative urgency, emotion regulation difficulty, self-harm behavior, borderline personality disorder



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology