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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of Intrusive Rumination on Posttraumatic Growth: Indirect effects of Emotion Regulation Strategy, and Deliberate Rumination

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.3, pp.785-800


This study examined the effect of intrusive rumination on posttraumatic growth based on the consideration of emotion regulation, and deliberate rumination as mediating variable, along with an examination of various variables affecting the trauma experienced by adults in Korean society. For this study, questionnaires on traumatic experience, posttraumatic growth, event-related rumination, and emotion regulation strategy were administered to 401 adults in the whole country. The data were analyzed through reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, measurement model analysis, and structural mode analysis using SPSS 21.0, AMOS 21.0. To verify the research model, Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was used. In addition, Bootstrapping method was used to examine the indirect effect of emotion regulation strategy and deliberate rumination. The major results are as follows: First, emotion regulation strategy have indirectly affected intrusive rumination and posttraumatic growth. Second, deliberate rumination have indirectly affected intrusive rumination and posttraumatic growth. Third, multiple indirect effects of emotional regulation strategy, and deliberate thoughts between intrusive rumination and posttraumatic growth were found to be significant. In the present study, few suggestions and limitations, and future study directions are discussed.

침습적 반추, 의도적 반추, 정서조절방략, 외상 후 성장, intrusive rumination, deliberate rumination, emotion regulation strategy, posttraumatic growth



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology