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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Social Anxiety and Abnormal Eating Behavior: The Sequential Mediating Effect of Dichotomous Thinking and Ruminative Thought

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.3, pp.765-784


Social anxiety and abnormal eating behavior are highly comorbid. Previous studies indicate a strong link between them, but the underlying mechanism behind the link remains unclear. The present study examined the relationship between social anxiety (SA) and abnormal eating behavior (AEB) with focus on the possible mediating role of dichotomous thinking (DT) and ruminative thought (RT). The participants were 187 female students at Cyber University who had completed online self-report questionnaires for the Korean version of Eating Attitude Test-26, Social Phobia Scale, Dichotomous Thinking Index-35, and Ruminative Thought Style Questionnaire. Our results indicate that DT and RT mediated the relationship between SA and AEB both, respectively and sequentially. The findings demonstrate that DT and RT are the cognitive mechanisms through which SA goes over to AEB. It is suggested that SA heightens the tendency to decide situations in either black or white way, which supplies the rich materials for ruminative thought that culminates in a worsening of AEB. In the present study, the limitations and implications for future work are also discussed.

Abnormal Eating Behavior, Social Anxiety, Dichotomous Thinking, Ruminative Thought, Sequential Mediation, 이상섭식행동, 사회불안, 이분법적 사고, 반추적 사고, 직렬 매개



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology