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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Quit-Smoking Empowerment, Nicotine Dependency, Optimistic Bias, Weight Control Behavior, and Adult Women’ Attempt or Maintenance of Smoking Cessation

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2020, v.25 no.4, pp.809-822


This study was conducted to identify whether quit-smoking empowerment, nicotine dependency, optimistic bias, and weight control behavior could influence adult women’s attempt and maintenance of smoking cessation. Participants were 263 smoking women or women who have smoking experience and who smoked, all of them were over 20 years old, and their responses to the online self-reported survey were analyzed and reviewed. The collected data were verified using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis of Pearson, and logistic regression analysis with SPSS 21.0. The major findings were as follows. When the participant smoking period was identified as less than 10 years, the smoking rate was higher than that of those who stated that their smoking period was more than 10 years, and the longer the smoking period, characteristically the higher the nicotine dependence was exhibited in those individuals. The use of quit-smoking empowerment had an influence that was positively correlated with weight control behavior and current smoking cessation, and it had a negatively correlated effect with nicotine dependence and optimism bias. Optimistic bias was shown to have been positively correlated with weight control behavior and attempts to quit smoking, and Weight-control behavior had a positively correlated influence on whether or not the participant was able to quit smoking. The meaning, its sub-factors of quit-smoking empowerment and optimistic biases were shown as significant predictors of smoking cessation, quit-smoking empowerment, nicotine dependence, optimistic bias and weight control activities to influence on the current status of non-smoking. Based on the results of this study, relationships between quit-smoking empowerment, nicotine dependency, optimistic bias and weight control behavior which are factors that can affect on adult smoking women's attempts to quit smoking, were discussed and the methods to help attempt or maintenance of smoking cessation and the correlating reasons for the ultimate retention of adult smoking women were also discussed and suggested as applicable.

여성 흡연, 금연 임파워먼트, 니코틴 의존도, 낙관적 편향, 체중조절 행동, female smoking, quit-smoking empowerment, nicotine dependency, optimistic bias, weight control behavior



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology