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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A Validation of the Korean Version of Adolescent Positive Mental Health Scale

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2020, v.25 no.4, pp.823-834


The purpose of this study was to validate the Korean Version of the Adolescent Positive Health Scale. The confirmatory factor analysis was conducted with 1,668 adolescents (960 middle school students and 708 high school students) who completed the Korean Version of the Adolescent Positive Health Scale. Convergent and discriminant validity were investigated using an independent sample of 189 adolescents (99 middle school students and 90 high school students) who responded to the following questionnaires: the Korean Version of the Adolescent Positive Health Scale, the School Adjustment Scale, the Ego Strength Scale, and the Social Support Appraisal Scale. The results showed that reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s α) of the Korean Version of the Adolescent Positive Health Scale were .92 for the mental well-being factor and .82 for the psychological maladjustment factor. According to the confirmatory factor analysis, a model with the correlation between the mental well-being and psychological maladjustment factor evidenced a better fit than a model without correlation between the two factors. The Mental Well-being Scale positively correlated with the School Adjustment Scale, the Ego Strength Scale, and the Social Support Appraisal Scale while the Psychological Maladjustment Scale negatively correlated with those scales. Based on these findings, it was discussed that a longitudinal study would be necessary to investigate the effects of positive mental health type on the prevention of mental disorders and process of recovery.

adolescents, positive mental health, mental well-being, psychological maladjustment, mental disorder, 청소년, 긍정적 정신건강, 정신적 웰빙, 심리적 부적응, 정신장애



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology