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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A Study on the Factors Affecting Expert Judgment of Psychologists: Focused on Gaming Disorder-related Issues

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2020, v.25 no.6, pp.1163-1180


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence experts' judgments on games and their effects. This study surveyed 147 members of the Korean Psychological Association for correlation analysis, regression analysis, and mediation analysis. In this study, 63% of the survey subjects answered that the disease coding of Gaming Disorder was not desirable. The elderly group, the group without experience in games, the group without knowledge about the game, and the group without children all had negative perceptions of the game; the negative attitude toward the game showed an inverse correlation with the degrees of 'openness' and 'game experience' in the personality variables, as well as a positive correlation with the degree of 'attitude toward the game behavior'. The regression analysis indicated that openness was a significant variable in predicting negative attitudes toward adolescents, and that 'age', 'game experience', and 'openness' were significant variables predicting adolescents' attitudes toward game use. A mediating analysis found that even if someone has a negative attitude toward adolescents, if that person has the 'openness' characteristic, that person will have a less negative view of games. Based on these results, we discussed the problem of disease coding to solve game usage problems with a medical approach and presented the opinions of the psychology community as a group of experts on the disease coding of Gaming Disorder.

게임, 게임이용장애, 질병코드화, 태도, 개방성, 심리학자, 전문가 판단, game, Gaming Disorder, attitude, openness, psychologist, expert judgment



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology