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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A Study on the Validation of the Korean Version of the Pornography Use Motivation Scale (K-PUMS)

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2022, v.27 no.5, pp.763-788


Pornography use is one of the most common types of sexual behavior. In Korea, where information and communication technology has become common, a particularly high rate of pornography use has been reported. However, there is a general lack of research on this topic, anda Korean measure to assess underlying psychosocial factors of pornography use has not been developed. Thus, we translated and validated the Pornography Use Motivation Scale (PUMS; Bőthe, Tóth-Király, Bella et al., 2021), into Korean, and examined how the pornography use motivation relates to the frequency of pornography use and the problematic pornography use. Recruitment and data collection were conducted anonymously online. Participants consisted of 769 adults (384 men and 385 women), and the average age was 44.18 (SD=13.62). A series of procedures were implemented including a review of the translated scale by an expert committee as well as a pretest of the translated scale to obtain respondents’ feedback. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that an 8-factor (sexual pleasure, sexual curiosity, fantasy, boredom avoidance, lack of sexual satisfaction, emotional distraction/suppression, stress reduction, and self-exploration) model demonstrated adequate fit to the current data. The internal consistency coefficient of total scale and subscales were good (≥.86), and test-retest reliability (ICC) was .65 supporting temporal stability. Pornography use motivation measured by K-PUMS showed a significant and positive correlation with the frequency of pornography use and the problematic pornography use. Results of structural equation modeling showed that only the sub-factor of sexual pleasure predicts the frequency of pornography use, and none of the sub-factors predicts the problematic pornography use. Furthermore, results of the latent profile analysis indicated that participants were classified into heterogeneous groups only by the overall level of pornography use motivation, and heterogeneity according to differences between high and low levels of sub-factors was not observed. Lastly, theoretical and practical implications as well as the limitations of this study were discussed.

pornography, pornography use motivation, problematic pornography use, compulsive sexual behavior disorder, sex addiction, 음란물, 포르노, 음란물 사용동기, 문제적 음란물 사용, 강박적 성행동, 성중독



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology