This study regarding the sexual attitudes, sexual behaviors, effect of sexual abuses and self-esteem was conducted by using 407 male and 692 female Korean college students recruited from 11 universities in South Korea. The sexual attitudes and activities scales, and the self-esteem scale were administered to the subjects. The results showed that the male and female college students were more permissive about the attitude for premarital sex than the previous subjects. For example, about thirty one percent of female students and seventy six percent of male students admitted that they had premarital sexual experiences. However, more female students felt guilty about their sexual intercourse than male students. While they were negative attitudes for homosexuality, women showed more lenient attitudes homosexuality than men, and also more female students tend to accept homo sexuals than men. As expected, more female college students experienced sexual abuses including rape, and sexual harrassment than male counter parts. There was negative relationship between low self-esteem and sexual abuse experiences. More specifically, the earlier women experienced sexual assault, the more negative side effect they experienced. Over all, the subjects who have permissive attitudes about sex, tend to have more sexual experiences, and felt less guilty and more homosexual feelings than the conservative ones. More discussions about the current college students and further research ideas were suggested.
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