ISSN : 1229-0653
It was assumed that the concept of unit relation has more broad and meaningful status than the concept of evaluation or liking in the area of social perception and attitude. Three studies were performed under this assumption. The first study concerned with the measurement of unit relation. Six preliminary scales were selected to measure the strength of unit relation under the theoretical basis. Total 131 unit relations were rated. The validity of the six scales were tested by the item-total score correlation. The range of correlation was 67-81. In the second study, the influence of the unit relation traits upon the impression formation was studied. The unit relation traits had significant influence upon the impression formation. In the third study, it was hypothesized that the determinant prejudice will be perception of unit relation. According to this hypothesis, the distance of three areas (race, vocation and religion) were manipulated. It was found that a greater distance of unit relation has greater influences upon the prejudice.