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Effects of Personal Self-esteem and Group Status on Collective Self-esteem

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1999, v.13 no.1, pp.53-64
Ji-Kyung Kim (Yonsei University)
Su-Ae Park (Yonsei University)
Hoon-Koo Lee (Yonsei University)
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In this study, the relationships between personal self-esteem and status of social group and collective self-esteem were examined. In addition whether general collective self-esteem represent specific collective self-esteem about various groups was tested. Personal self-esteem and collective self-esteem were measured. The data was gathered from two universities which were regarded as having different social status. Various collective self-esteem of different kinds of social groups(eg, general group, university, sex, small group which survey participants attended) were surveyed. The collective self-esteems about concrete groups(university, sex, and small group) were correlated moderately with general collective self-esteem. The results of regression analysis showed that personal self-esteem is a significant indicator of all collective self-esteems regardless of the group status. Group status is a main factor that influences collective self-esteem about university. The unexpected result was the effect of group status on collective self-esteems on sex group, especially on the private collective self-esteem and identical collective self-esteem sub-scale. In conclusion, individuals who have high personal self-esteem have high collective self-esteem than there of individuals who has low personal self-esteem. And the higher the status of group which individual belong to, collective self-esteem about the group was higher. But the difference of group status was inflexible, it was considered that high personal self-esteem individuals who belongs to low status group accept the status of groups.


Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology