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Effect of Success/Failure Feedback, Goal-setting for Social Comparison and Comparison Target upon Experiences of Self-Relevant Agitation Emotion

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2000, v.14 no.3, pp.109-123
Doug-Woong Hahn (Dept. of Psychology, Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Eun-Young Jang (Dept. of Psychology, Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
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This study examined the three-way interaction effect of success/failure feedback, goal-setting for social comparison and comparison target on experience of self-relevant agitation emotions. A 2(performance feedback: success, failure)×3(goal-setting for social comparison: self-promotion, self-assessment, self-enhancement)×3(comparison target: upward, similar, downward) complete factorial design was used in this experiment. Subjects performed a task and were told that their performance of the next trial would be compared with those of the comparison target the computer arranged. And then subjects rated their self-relevant emotional experience. The results showed that the hypothesized three-way interaction was confirmed. The self-relevant agitation emotion effects of comparison targets were varied according to the goals of social comparison and sucess/failure feedback. To put the three-way interaction effect concretely, in success condition more agitation-related emotion was experienced in self-promotion goal/upward comparison condition than self-promotion goal/downward comparison condition and less agitation-related emotion was experienced in self-prevention goal/upward comparison condition than self-prevention goal/downward comparison condition. And in failure condition more agitation-related emotion was experienced in self-prevention goal/downward comparison condition than self-prevention goal/upward comparison condition. Especially in self-promotion goal/success feedback/upward condition, choice percentage of the upward target was higher than other conditions, and in self-prevention goal/failure feedback/upward condition, choice percentage of downward target was higher than other conditions. The results were discussed in terms of the self-regulation theory of social comparison process(Hahn, 1999), and the implications for future studies were suggested.


Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology